Somewhere to put the stuff filling up my head…



Unexpected Bargain

Don’t you love an unexpected bargain?  Scouring through a CD shop the other day for a rare CD from one of my favourite bands – ‘The Church’.  Found it – over the moon, but at $35 I was a bit taken back.  After 30 minutes or so of internal conflict, I decided to hell with the money, I would buy it.  When I got to the counter  the price came up at $10, plus 20% off all Cd’s – i.e. $8 total.  Absolutely rapt….

Black and White

“it’s inherent abstraction takes the viewer out of the morass of manifest appearance and encourages inspection of the shapes, textures and qualities of light…”

Ansel Adams


Portfolio idea:  Trees


Pissed Off

Don’t wanna read the paper
I don’t like bad news
Last night a man got shot
Outside the house of blues
I’d like to ignore it
I’d like to just pretend
That the reason for it
Is something I can comprehend

I don’t listen to the radio
Last time it made me cry
Two boys went crazy
Fifteen kids died
And I don’t know their families
I don’t ask ’em how they’re going
They’re on the other side of the world
But it’s way too close to home

I’ve got something to say
And I thought it might be worth a
If you’re not pissed off at the world
Then you’re just not paying attention
And you can turn off the TV
And go about your day
But just ‘cos you don’t see it
It don’t mean its gone away hey

We don’t talk to our neighbours
They’ve got funny coloured skin
We see ’em out on the sidewalk
But we don’t invite ’em in
We only eat when we’re hungry
And we throw the rest away
While babies in Cambodia
Are starving everyday

We risk our lives
We hit our wives
We act like everything is funny
We hide our pain
While we go insane
We sell our souls for money
We curse our mums
We build our bombs
We make our children cry
We watch the band
While Vietnam
Just watch their children die.

Kasey Chambers (Singer…not sure if she is the author?)


I have been neglectful of my blog…I resolve to try harder


thoughts on Janis

As much as i love the music of Janis Joplin i can’t help but think if she were around today nobody would give her a record contract.  We seem to be going backwards in terms of our female artists.  When did it stop being about the talent and start being about the wardrobe?


i was deeply moved by this display of poppies on the memorial wall

it suprised me just how deeply i was moved

perhaps getting older makes me appreciate more the sadness of such loss

the futility of such loss


there is good busy and bad busy

good busy is when there’s lots of things going on which you are keyed into and engaged in

bad busy is when it all becomes too much and you disengage and loose contact…

i seem to alternate between the two


the raw energy of the wave

that will pound you without mercy

drawing the wind from your lungs

and holding you in a cruel embrace where resitance only hastens the suffocation


once understood

and not resisted

but allowing oneself to relax and be pulled under without fear

releases you to rise slowly to the surface

